March 29, 2010

Dressing change, glimps of new big ear

Our second post op appointment where they did a dressing change, removed stitches on the ear cup and sponge and washed his hair. Trey is such a good patient. Nothing has bothered him, while the doctor and assistant did their thing he watch Cars and ate raisins so he was happy. He got to pick out a new arm bandage since that was replaced too, he had a tough time selecting a color since he had several to pick from but in the end he went with the yellow bee wrap, surprised mommy since he loves red but I think since Dr. Lewin talked about the bee's he instinctively picked that one. The ear looks good at least Dr. Lewin told us so. She said she had no worries at this point and was pleasantly surprised to how well his little lobe was doing. She told us she was worried how his little ear would do since she had to move it so far back and she feels it looks better then she expected. Good news in the end. Trey still is wearing the cap to keep his ears a little more protected. He is doing well not touching his head except he is scratching the back of the cap a lot now so we have to watch him more. He is almost back to his old self, not getting as tired as easily but doesn't have the stamina to go all day without a nap, last part is good for mommy and daddy. We will post pictures next Monday hoping Dr. Lewin sends us the pictures she took today. It's hard to believe he has 2 big ears now and he still looks like Trey. :) Stage 2 is scheduled for December of this year. At least that will be only 4 hours and not 12.... hopefully.

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